How Community-Focused Chimney Scientists Establish Themselves as Thought Leaders in Greater Philadelphia Area?

The Chimney Scientists are always optimistic when supporting their clients and each other. They remain committed to self-improvement and are dedicated to their craft. Paired with the desire to continue progressing the industry through scientific advancement, this company is one to keep an eye on.

The company, helmed by Joe Ochal, a former microbiologist, who preferred a ‘chimney brush to a lab bench’ along with his team, strives for scientific advances across numerous fields to improve the industry but also positively impact climate change.

With numerous specialties for customers, The Chimney Scientists standalone in the industry via state-of-the-art tools and technologies, like cameras and drones. The company also offers a laundry list of services in chimney cleaning and sweeping, ceramic restoration, flue and liner, interior and exterior repairs, fireplace enhancements, inspections and certifications, gas and wood inserts, and many more!

Community-focused and forward-thinking

Among their many accomplishments and efforts in the scientific community and goodwill, philanthropist initiatives include but are not limited to creating and funding Afrilab Medical Diagnostic facilities, partnering with Valley Forge Watershed Association (VFWA), and lending their expertise to the Firewood Project.

Working closely with chimney industry leaders, Ochal and Co. are taking the reins in helping improve wood burning and moisture testing. The primary mission is to help reduce particulate emissions, which would make repairs and cleanings more cost-efficient for homeowners, but most importantly, would benefit human and animal health, as well as Earth’s overall health.

Our company is customer-oriented, and we are also passionate about helping reduce emissions and help clients eventually become more climate-friendly,” stated Ochal.

As part of the services given to Afrilab Medical Diagnostics, the Chimney Scientists partnered with 47 Pennsylvania-based hospitals and 23 pharmacists to help modernize the West African healthcare system via x-rays, HIV tests, ultrasounds, and other critical care offerings.

With the VFWA project, the Chimney Scientists work directly with them to help make waterways and watershed ecosystems safer while recruiting professors to lead research projects and fund the equipment needed for testing.

With honor at the forefront of its core values, the team at the Chimney Scientists believe in honesty, integrity, respect, operating at the highest level, never saying ‘never’, and always showing up on time and the spot.

Cup of Joe

Ochal earned numerous hearth and chimney industry certifications while working to obtain his undergraduate degree at Temple University. All the while, he worked part-time installing and maintaining fireplaces and associated equipment and products.

After earning his bachelor’s and a graduate degree in microbiology from Thomas Jefferson University’s College of Biomedical Sciences, he launched the Chimney Scientists.

Having founded the company, built on a laundry list of solid morals and core values, he built a team of kind-hearted and hardworking professionals to join him in offering superior customer service to their clients. His mission was and remained the same, to incorporate science into chimney and fireplace maintenance and installation and provide proper education on them.

The sky’s certainly the limit for this growing and expanding company. Ochal hopes that the Chimney Scientists will eventually be a company that stretches from the East to the West Coast and continue to lead the charge in sustainability and environmentally-friendly chimney and fireplace cleanings and installations.

About Joe Ochal and The Chimney Scientists

Joe Ochal is the Founder of The Chimney Scientists, serving the Philadelphia area. The Chimney Scientists is a full-service chimney and fireplace company that provides chimney and fireplace repairs, inspections, and cleanings, as well as historical restorations. To find out more about chimney repairs, please visit